Office of the Accountant-General > Publications > 06. GRAP > 03. Tools  


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Folder: 01. AFS template
01. AFS template
Folder: 02. Tool manual and guide
02. Tool manual and guide
Folder: 03. Operating and finance leases as lessee
03. Operating and finance leases as lessee
Folder: 04. Straight-lining of operating lease payments
04. Straight-lining of operating lease payments
Folder: 05. Leave register and calculation of leave provision
05. Leave register and calculation of leave provision
Folder: 06. Calculation of provision for doubtful debts
06. Calculation of provision for doubtful debts
Folder: 07. Debtors and creditors reconciliations
07. Debtors and creditors reconciliations
Folder: 08. Schedule on asset counts
08. Schedule on asset counts
Folder: 09. Bank reconciliations
09. Bank reconciliations
Folder: 10. Assessment of useful lives and residual values of PPE
10. Assessment of useful lives and residual values of PPE
Folder: 11. List of supporting documentation
11. List of supporting documentation
Folder: 12. Guide on audit file
12. Guide on audit file
Folder: 13. Employee cost disclosure
13. Employee cost disclosure
Folder: 14. Calculation of VAT – input tax
14. Calculation of VAT – input tax
Folder: 15. Financial instruments disclosure
15. Financial instruments disclosure
Folder: 16. Employee cost disclosures
16. Employee cost disclosures
Folder: 17. Impairment of assets
17. Impairment of assets
Folder: 18. GRAP disclosure checklist
18. GRAP disclosure checklist
