Office of the Accountant-General > Publications > 09. National and Provincial Revenue Fund > For fin year ending 31-03-2012  


Please note that majority of our publications are made available in Adobe Acrobat format for which the reader can be downloaded from Publications for operational use have been prepared using the Microsoft Office Suite, larger data files may have been compressed to optimise it for web download and can be opened using open source utilities such as 7-Zip which can be downloaded from

Amended Revenue_Fund_Template 2011-12.xls
Amended Revenue_Fund_Template 2011-12
1303 KB
Guide for prep of template for 2011-2012.pdf
Guide for prep of template for 2011-2012
251 KB
Guide on accounting issues for 2011-2012.pdf
Guide on accounting issues for 2011-2012
453 KB
NRF Accounting Policies (3 Sep 2012).xlsx
NRF Accounting Policies (3 Sep 2012)
51 KB
Revenue_Fund_Template 2011-12
256 KB
