Office of the Accountant-General > Publications > 10. Instruction Notes > For fin year 2010-11  


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2010-04-21 Practice Note 1 on Month end closure procedures.pdf
2010-04-21 Practice Note 1 on Month end closure procedures
179 KB
2010-05-20 Practice Note 2 on GRAP for public entities and consitutional insitutions.pdf
2010-05-20 Practice Note 2 on GRAP for public entities and consitutional insitutions
17 KB
2010-07-21  Practice Note on Bid rigging or collusive bidding.pdf
2010-07-21 Practice Note on Bid rigging or collusive bidding
220 KB
2010-07-21 Practice Note - GCC inclusion of par 34 CIBD (24-5).pdf
2010-07-21 Practice Note - GCC inclusion of par 34 CIBD (24-5)
152 KB
2010-07-21 Practice Note - js914w CIBD SBD 9 (24-5).pdf
2010-07-21 Practice Note - js914w CIBD SBD 9 (24-5)
283 KB
2010-09-04 Practice Note on Invitation and evaluation of bids that include functionality.pdf
2010-09-04 Practice Note on Invitation and evaluation of bids that include functionality
80 KB
